木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10)
WISH LESS galleryは、英国人アーティストA.CE(エイス)による4回目の個展「SCENIC ROUTE」を開催いたします。ロンドンを拠点に活動するA.CEは、過去30年に渡り、イギリスのストリートアートシーンを牽引してきました。パワフルなグラフィティの感性から影響を受け継ぐエイスの革新的で大胆なグラフィカル・スタイルは、ダダイズムやポップアート、80年代のスケートカルチャーなどからインスパイアされ、ペインティング、プリント、コラージュなどあらゆるテクニックを駆使しています。
[ プロフィール ]
英国ストリートアートシーンで注目を集めるアーティスト。ダダイズムやクラシカルなポップアートを思わせるキャッチーなペイストアップ画で知られ、ロンドンの街中でよく見られる。直感で選んだノスタルジックなイメージをブレンド&リミックスさせて、大衆文化や消費社会の不条理を反映する曖昧さと不調和、ユーモアなどを主張。 これまでに数ある著名なアートブックに掲載され、ロンドン、シカゴ、ニューヨークをはじめとする多くのギャラリーで展示を開催。これまでにコムデギャルソン、Stussy、The Big Issue、Reebok、Ace Hotelなどとコラボレーションしている。
instagram: @a.celondon
※ WISH LESSでは会場の都合により祝花・酒類・菓子などはご遠慮いただいております。差し入れに代えて、作品のご購入をお勧めしています。ご購入を通じてアーティストへの励ましやご支援くださいますようご理解お願いいたします。
※ 12歳以下のお子さまをお連れの方は展示物への配慮をお願いします。
WISH LESS gallery is thrilled to announce the 4th solo exhibition by British artist A.CE titled ‘SCENIC ROUTE.
London based A.CE has been surfing the waves of the UK street art scene spanning the last 3 decades. Influenced by the powerful sensibilities of graffiti, his innovative, bold graphical style of working involves painting, printing and collage techniques inspired by Dadaism, Pop Art and vibrant 80’s skateboard graphics.
The past 12 months have been a journey of self-reflection, and personal growth along what has always been a non-linear path for the artist, one that challenges the conventional but will often provide new and unique perspectives on familiar landscapes and concepts. With an ever-busy mind, the artist acknowledges the importance of slowing down, and of taking the time to appreciate the beauty of life’s journey.
With his signature nostalgic overtones, each piece is a discovery for the artist as found graphical elements combining the familiar and the absurd, are remixed, reformed and manipulated intuitively into place, forming new narratives that explore unchartered territory. A.CE uses colour to evoke contemporary transient works assembled in ways that invite reflection, escapism and humour and as always leave interpretation open to the viewer.
For this exhibition A.CE has included a series of new works on paper, wood and canvas reflecting themes of time and mortality whilst carrying a pervading sense of optimism as he moves into a new chapter of his life as a father.
London based artist. He has been a key figure in the UK street art scene. In that time his instantly recognisable wheat-pasted images have featured prominently across the urban landscape.
Drawing inspiration in part from Dada collage and classic pop art, to his time as a skateboarder and the bold graphics he encountered during this time, his work is a raw presentation of nostalgic imagery intuitively selected, blended and remixed with contemporary fragments, resulting in a new narrative with ambiguities and incongruities, humour and messages that reflect the absurdities of popular culture and a consumer driven society.
His art has been featured in a number of notable street art books and exhibited in galleries across the world, including London, Chicago and New York.
His work has been commissioned by Stussy, The Big Issue, Reebok and Ace Hotel.
instagram: @a.celondon

会 期:2024年6月15日(土)~30日(日)
時 間:木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
休 廊:月曜~水曜
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696
A.CE solo exhibition “SCENIC ROUTE”
Period : Saturday 15th – Sunday 30th June 2024
Opening hours : Thursday – Sunday 12:00-18:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email : info@wish-less.com