小林伸一郎 『大神仏』展
木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10)
2024年4月27日(土)18:00 – 20:00
WISH LESS galleryでは、写真家・小林伸一郎の個展『大神仏』展を開催いたします。日本全国を巡り、廃墟や寂れた建造物を独自の視線で撮り続けてきた小林伸一郎。長い年月による劣化や腐食でもたらされた廃墟に眠る美を記録し、廃墟ブームを築き上げたパイオニア的存在として知られています。写真家として幅広い層から絶大な支持を受け、これまでに平凡社準太陽賞、コニカ写真奨励賞、講談社出版文化賞を受賞。シャネル銀座ビルディング建設プロジェクトや東京ディズニーシー5周年記念写真集オフィシャルフォトグラファーとして活躍してきました。
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1956年東京都生まれ。専修大学卒業。スタジオ、出版社勤務を経て株式会社スタジオライズを設立。平凡社準太陽賞、コニカ写真奨励賞、東京国際写真ビエンナーレ・キヤノン賞、講談社出版文化賞を受賞。2004年完成CHANEL GINZA・2017年完成GINZA NAMIKI建設プロジェクト、2015年世界遺産「明治日本の産業革命遺産」、東京ディズニーシー5周年記念写真集オフィシャルフォトグラファーとして活動。主な写真集に、変貌する東京湾岸、建設途中の高速道路や橋、ダムの景観を捉えた『Tokyo Bay Side』『JAPAN NEW MAP』、廃墟をモチーフにした『廃墟遊戯』『廃墟漂流』『NO MAN’S LAND軍艦島』『亡骸劇場』『最終工場』を出版。2023年日本全国の寺社仏閣を独自の視線で撮影したシリーズより写真集『大神仏』を東京キララ社より刊行。作品は東京都写真美術館、なかた美術館、他に所蔵されている。
■ 写真家 小林伸一郎 公式サイト STUDIO RISE kobayashi-shinichiro.com
■ X twitter.com/St_Rise_Tokyo

©︎ Shinichiro Kobayashi
※ WISH LESSでは会場の都合により祝花・酒類・菓子などはご遠慮いただいております。差し入れに代えて、作品のご購入をお勧めしています。ご購入を通じてアーティストへの励ましやご支援くださいますようご理解お願いいたします。
※ 12歳以下のお子さまをお連れの方は展示物への配慮をお願いします。
WISH LESS gallery is thrilled to announce the Japanese photographer Shinichiro Kobayashi’s solo exhibition ‘Daishinbutsu’.
Shinichiro Kobayashi has been travelling around Japan, photographing abandoned buildings and deserted structures from his unique perspective. He is known as a pioneer in documenting the beauty that lies in abandoned buildings that have deteriorated and corroded over the years, and is known as the founder of the abandoned building boom. He has received tremendous support from a wide range of people as a photographer and has been awarded the Heibonsha Sun Award second prize, the Konica Photography Encouragement Award and the Kodansha Publishing Culture Award. He has worked on the Chanel Ginza Building construction project and as the official photographer for Tokyo Disney Sea’s 5th anniversary photo book.
In this exhibition, we are showing the eccentric giant Gods and Buddhas scattered all over Japan from the photographic collection ‘Daishinbutsu’ (Tokyo Kirara-sha), published in 2023. These mysterious giant Gods and Buddha statues, built not only as temples and shrines but also as public objects, tourist attractions or for personal worship, embody people’s passionate religious beliefs and create other worlds that are separated from the living world. The exhibition invites you to enter the universe of the Great Divine Gods and Buddhas, a place of overwhelming power and mystery as seen from Kobayashi’s point of view.
On my travels, I have often been taken aback by the sight of a giant Buddha, which suddenly leaps into view and takes my breath away. When you visit temples and shrines all over the country, you will see not only historic and serene temples, but also the majestic and mysterious Daibutsu Buddha. Folk beliefs in offerings to the dead, gorgeous golden gods and Buddha, deities from Japanese mythology, and the shining golden Otorii gate, erected at the command of the heavens. Are there as many gods as there are people in modern Japan who are not steeped in a single religion? I believe that the harder the passion to create a god or Buddha out of strong faith, the more the energy may materialise and a greater god or Buddha may be born into the world when the energy is realised.
Shinichiro Kobayashi
Born in Tokyo in 1956. Graduated from Senshu University.
After working for photo studios and publishing companies, he established Studio Rise Co.
CHANEL GINZA construction project completed in 2004-2017, World Heritage Site “Meiji Japan Industrial Revolution Heritage” in 2015, Official photographer for Tokyo Disney Sea 5th Anniversary.
His work is held in the collections of the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum the Nakata Museum of Art.
Heibonsha Sun Award second prize (1991), Konica Photography Encouragement Award (1994), Tokyo International Photography Biennale Canon Award (1997), Kodansha Publishing Culture Award (2007)
Published books
Tokyo Bay Side (1991), JAPAN NEW MAP (2003), which capture the transformation of the Tokyo Bay area and the landscape of highways, bridges and dams under construction
Haikyo-Yugi (1998), Haikyo-Hyoryu (2001), NO MAN’S LAND Gunkanjima (2004), Nakigara Gekijo (2006), Saisyu-Kojo (2007), all based on the motif of abandoned buildings and ruins.
In 2023, Tokyo Kirara published the photographic collection Daishinbutsu (Great Gods and Buddha) from a series of photographs of shrines and Buddhist temples from all over Japan with a unique perspective.
■ Official site ‘STUDIO RISE’ kobayashi-shinichiro.com
■ X twitter.com/St_Rise_Tokyo

©︎ Shinichiro Kobayashi

[ BOOK ]
小林伸一郎 著
サイズ:B5判 高さ24cm
会 期:2024年4月27日(土)~5月12日(日)
時 間:木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
休 廊:月曜~水曜
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696
Shinichiro Kobayashi solo exhibition “The Great Gods and Buddhas of Japan”
Period : Saturday 27th April – Sunday 12th May 2024
Opening hours : Thursday – Sunday 12:00-18:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email : info@wish-less.com
Supported by Tokyo Kirara-sha