WISH LESS 10周年記念展
木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
月曜~水曜 休み
会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10)
▶︎ Opening reception : 11月26日(土) 18時〜20時
ゲストDJ:おしるこちゃん @0465chan
かつて東京のモンマルトルと称された街・田端にて、2012年12月にWISH LESSは誕生し、今年で10周年を迎えます。
A.CE × Vinnie Nylon
AKANE ISHIGA × 441 yon yon ichi
Ichisan × Rob Kidney
抜水摩耶 × 22世紀ジェダイ
中村保夫(東京キララ社)× 濱口健
林香苗武 × Brian DeGraw (Gang Gang Dance)
Rob Kidney × Yokey
ここ15年における英国ストリートアートシーンで注目を集める存在。ダダイズムやクラシカルなポップアートを思わせるキャッチーなペイストアップ画で知られ、ロンドンの街中でよく見られる。直感で選んだノスタルジックなイメージをブレンド&リミックスさせて、大衆文化や消費社会の不条理を反映する曖昧さと不調和、ユーモアなどを主張。 これまでに数ある著名なアートブックに掲載され、ロンドン、シカゴ、ニューヨークをはじめとする多くのギャラリーで展示を開催。これまでにコムデギャルソン、Stussy、The Big Issue、Reebok、Ace Hotelなどとコラボレーションしている。
Vinnie Nylon
フリーハンドで描かれるストイックなラインを駆使し、ポップでノスタルジックな作品を多く発表。32年に渡る彼の功績は様々なアーティストに影響を与え、特にかの有名なバンクシーなどに多大な影響を与えた。ビンテージグッズ収集家でもあり、50~60年代の古い人形やおもちゃなどをモチーフに起用。また、多岐に渡るブランドや企業とのコラボレーションプロジェクトなどにも積極的に行っている。2015年WISH LESSにて日本初個展を開催。
「二本足で立つ洋服を着た動物」を立体にしてみたいと思った事からぬいぐるみチャームの製作を始める。2014年よりWISH LESS galleryにて毎年個展を開催。ウェブショップ chovon SHOP での販売のほか、イベントへの参加もしている。
441 yon yon ichi/ヨンヨンイチ
吉井隆祐/Ryusuke Yoshii による自主制作のテキスタイルブランド。
東京生まれ。独特のシュールでフレッシュなスタイルのアートワークを発表しながら、バンド Trippple Nippplesのボーカリストとして活躍、DEADKEBAB & PSYCHIC$のMCとしても活動する。
Kid Acne
英国出身のペインター/プリントメイカー/ミュージシャン。 グラフィティアーティストとして、アイコニックな女の子のキャラクターや独特のタイポグラフィを描く巨大なミューラルが大変人気で、世界中でファンも多い。 イラストレーターとしても活躍し、Warpなど著名な音楽レーベルのアルバムカバーイラストや有名ファッションブランドとのコラボレーションも多く手がける。 ミュージシャンとしても知名度が高く、90年代のオールドスクールHip Hopとブレイクビートを絶妙にMIXさせたファンキーなサウンドが評価され、アルバムをリリース。 世界各国でパフォーマンスを披露してきた。
京都芸術大学大学院 芸術表現専攻 修了(元・京都造形芸術大学大学院)
Brian DeGraw (Gang Gang Dance)
時に彼の絵はただの肖像画と思われがちだが、実際は肖像画に留まらず進化を続けている。題材は解体、再構築され、増殖し、重ねられた色やパターンの層に収まっていき、線で与えられた別の形は元の世界と新たな世界を交互している。彼の作品は対照的な技法で成り立っている。ウブな子供を連想させる荒々しいタッチ、熟練した製図者のような写実、そして動物的本能。ブライアンは紙を用いた絵画作品で知られているが、同時に立体物、パフォーマンス、音楽、映像、儀式など様々な分野で活躍している。各都市で展覧会を催し、2000年より、音楽バンド「ギャング・ギャング・ダンス」の創設メンバーとして世界中でパフォーマンスを行う。クロエ・セヴィニー監督の映画にてサウンドトラックを制作。また、ニューヨークのJames Fuentesギャラリー、英レコードレーベル 4AD に所属している。
Rob Kidney
英国出身のアーティスト/イラストレーター。ブライトン大学イラストレーション科卒業。現在は東京を拠点に活動。 鮮やかな色と力強い手描きのラインを駆使したユニークなキャラクターアートを得意とし、音楽、ファッション、インテリア雑貨など様々な分野にイラストを提供。
2012年より、東京・田端にあるギャラリーWISH LESSのオーナーとして、国内外の作家の展覧会キュレーションも行う。
普段はグラフィックデザイナー&WISH LESS galleryのオーナー。
WISH LESS gallery was established in December 2012 in Tabata, an area once known as the Montmartre of Tokyo and this year marks its 10th anniversary.
Since opening, WISH LESS has been curating unique exhibitions across a wide range of tastes and has always presented a new sense of value where a diverse range of art intersects, including painting, photography, sculpture, video, music and performance.
On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the gallery is pleased to present a group exhibition with 15 artists who have a deep connection with the gallery. We have paired up artists from different genres who will collaborate with each other to create new works especially for the exhibition. We hope you will enjoy this energetic fusion of art that brings together their unique aesthetics.
A limited number of special royal mugs commemorating the 10th anniversary will also be on sale at the venue.
Artists line up
A.CE × Vinnie Nylon
AKANE ISHIGA × yon yon ichi
Ichisan × Rob Kidney
Maya Nukumizu × 22nd Century Jedi
Yasuo Nakamura (Tokyo Kirara-sha) × Ken Hamaguchi
Hayashi Kanae Takeshi × Brian DeGraw (Gang Gang Dance)
Rob Kidney × Yokey
London based artist. He has been a key figure in the UK street art scene for over 15 years. In that time his instantly recognisable wheat-pasted images have featured prominently across the urban landscape.
Drawing inspiration in part from Dada collage and classic pop art, to his time as a skateboarder and the bold graphics he encountered during this time, his work is a raw presentation of nostalgic imagery intuitively selected, blended and remixed with contemporary fragments, resulting in a new narrative with ambiguities and incongruities, humour and messages that reflect the absurdities of popular culture and a consumer driven society.
His art has been featured in a number of notable street art books and exhibited in galleries across the world, including London, Chicago and New York.
His work has been commissioned by Stussy, The Big Issue, Reebok and Ace Hotel.
Vinnie Nylon has been writing graffiti since 1985, coming from a background of the peace movement, punk and skateboarding in which he had painted slogans and stencils even as a young boy in the early 80s prior to the so called era of Subway Art.
Much of the subject matter of Vinnie Nylon’s paintings is the product of a lifelong collecting obsession with post war products, badges, cartoons, toys and advertising media. Stories are acted out by a cast of vintage vinyl dolls and advertising mascots.
AKANE ISHIGA creates three dimensional ‘free standing clothed toys’ from her own drawings.
Since 2014 she exhibits at WISH LESS gallery every year.
Her work has been represented by chovon SHOP and at other events in Japan.
441 yon yon ichi
Japanese textile brand of independent designer Ryusuke Yoshii. After graduating from the textile printing course at Tama Art University, he worked at a printing factory in Tokyo for several years. He then started his own brand producing a range of products using his handprinted textiles. He exquisitely combines geometric shapes with gentle hand-drawn lines to create distinctive patterns.
Ichisan creates unique embroidery pieces using a hand sewing machine. Her works are characterised by motifs of innocent-looking animals and pop flowers.
Born in Tokyo. She produces fresh and surreal art in her own distinctive style. She has performed as vocalist of the Japanese band ‘Trippple Nippples’ and her current musical unit ‘DEADKEBAB & PSYCHIC$’
Kid Acne
UK-based artist, illustrator, print-maker and emcee. Born in Lilongwe, Malawi he lives and works in Sheffield. His formative years were spent writing graffiti, self-publishing fanzines and making
experimental Hip-Hop-invariably designing and printing the record sleeves by hand. The culmination of these interests informed the development of his own unique aesthetic, which he has adeptly translated into various product designs, installations, graphics, animations and silkscreen editions.
Kid Acne has painted large-scale murals across continents and exhibited work extensively over the past two decades. Rendered in a distinct illustrative style, his images have adorned campaigns for some of the world’s leading brands, while the artist himself continues to paint epic slogans in the back streets of South Yorkshire.
Maya Nukumizu
Born in Kyoto in 1982. Lives in Tokyo.
Graduated from Kyoto University of the Arts.
Starting from Manga culture, which has been a strong influence since childhood, she formed her own aesthetics and uses that expression to create images that overflow between dreams and reality into her works.
Humorous paintings of multi-layered memory fragments that move between the past and present, such as the dangers that prevail in the world, the ghosts that protect you from scary things and the eyes that represent what people see, have a strong impact on the viewer.
Exhibiting in Japan and abroad, she is active in a wide range of work such as participating in animation festivals and working on commercial artwork for idol groups.
22nd Century Jedi
Born in Saitama Prefecture. After graduating from Musashino Art University, Department of spatial fashion design, he began working as a patterner at Comme des Garcons. His work has been popular on SNS as “22nd Century Jedi”. Also known for making accessories with the motif of his beloved anime “PRECURE” and his drawing series which is displayed on his apartment building’s bulletin board.
Yasuo Nakamura (Tokyo Kirara-sha)
Born in Jimbocho known as Tokyo’s book town in 1967. Founder of Tokyo Kirara-sha since 2001 He has published various books focused on forbidden culture.
Ken Hamaguchi
After graduating from Tama Art University’s Japanese traditional painting course in 1997 he started working as an illustrator and painter.
Hayashi Kanae Takeshi
Takeshi graduated from the oil painting course at Musashino Art University.
She has been pursuing the theme of ‘speed’ in her dynamic paintings and installations since 2011. In 2015 She declared her ‘Speedist’ Manifesto inspired by the Futurist Manifesto and embarked on an in-depth study of speed and slowness.
Brian DeGraw (Gang Gang Dance)
The art of Brian DeGraw tends to live somewhere in between dimensions of concrete reality and cosmic abstraction. While frequently using portraiture as a root element, his work refuses to be pinned down solely as such. Subjects are deconstructed, reconstructed, multiplied, or repositioned welcoming in additional layers of color, pattern, and lines that give life to new figuration, suggesting alternate worlds within worlds. These layers can be rendered in a variety of hands. A drawing or painting can at once present the physical markings of a naive child, an accomplished draftsman, and an animal instinct. While DeGraw tends most often to work on paper he remains devoted to embracing the moment by using whatever medium he sees fit, often producing work that includes the sculptural, performative, musical, cinematic, and ritualistic. In addition to having exhibited in various cites throughout the world for the past 20 years he has also toured the globe since 2000 with his musical group Gang Gang Dance (of which he is the founding member) and has recently begun scoring films, most notably for actor/director Chloe Sevigny.
DeGraw is currently represented by James Fuentes gallery in New York City and 4AD records.
Rob Kidney
Born in England and studied illustration at Brighton University and is now based in Tokyo. His unique characters executed with bold lines and vivid colours have been used commercially in music, fashion and interior projects. Since 2012 he has been running WISH LESS gallery in Tokyo, his own space where he curates exhibitions from foreign and Japanese artists.
Graphic designer and owner of WISH LESS gallery.
She has been exploring and studying pottery since 2017, inspired by the forms of dogs and women.
WISH LESS 10周年記念グループ展
会 期:2022年11月26日(土)~12月11日(日)
時 間:木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
休 廊:月曜~水曜
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696
WISH LESS 10th Anniversary exhibition
Period : Saturday 26th November – Sunday 11th December 2022
Opening hours : Thu – Sun 12:00-18:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email : info@wish-less.com