ロブ・キドニー 個展「FROZEN, CHILLED & DRY」
営業時間:木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10)
WISH LESS galleryでは、英国人アーティスト、ロブ・キドニーの個展「FROZEN, CHILLED & DRY」を開催いたします。
英国出身のアーティスト/イラストレーター。ブライトン大学イラストレーション科卒業。現在は東京を拠点に活動。 鮮やかな色と力強い手描きのラインを駆使したユニークなキャラクターアートを得意とし、音楽、ファッション、インテリア雑貨など様々な分野にイラストを提供。
2012年より、東京・田端にあるギャラリーWISH LESSのオーナーとして、国内外の作家の展覧会キュレーションも行う。
※ 会場の都合により祝花・酒類・菓子などはご遠慮いただいております。差し入れに代えて、作品のご購入をお勧めしています。ご購入を通じてアーティストへの励ましやご支援くださいますようご理解お願いいたします。
※ ギャラリー内での飲食は固くお断りいたします。
※ 12歳以下のお子さまをお連れの方は展示物への配慮をお願いします。
WISH LESS gallery is pleased to announce the British artist Rob Kidney’s solo exhibition ‘FROZEN, CHILLED & DRY’.
Enjoy the intense cosmic world of Rob Kidney’s myriad of original vivid coloured characters from other dimensions.
I’ve never really kept a physical sketchbook since my passion for drawing began in my teenage years. When I have an idea I use whatever is to hand, a paper napkin, hotel notepaper, supermarket flyers and sheets of cheap paper from the 100 yen store.
These loose drawings are kept in box files on one side of my studio.
I think of the folders as ‘Frozen, Chilled and Dry’ raw ingredients that are in storage and ready to be dipped into at random to create new ideas and flavours in my creative output, sometimes they are remixed, reworked and reimagined, other times they are copied directly.
In this exhibition I wanted to revisit drawings from my files that have been overlooked or neglected. Using mainly marker ink and 12B pencils I have created an installation of work that celebrates the act of bold and honest mark making.
Alongside this I will be showing a selection of recent and new paintings.
Rob Kidney was born in England and studied illustration at Brighton University and is now based in Tokyo. His unique characters executed with bold lines and vivid colours have been used commercially in music, fashion and interior projects. Since 2012 he has been running WISH LESS gallery in Tokyo, his own space where he curates exhibitions from foreign and Japanese artists.
Artist website:robkidney.com

ロブ・キドニー 個展「FROZEN, CHILLED & DRY」
会 期:2023年1月21日(土)~2月5日(日)
時 間:木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
休 廊:月曜~水曜
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696
Rob Kidney solo exhibition ‘FROZEN, CHILLED & DRY’
Period : Saturday 21st January – Sunday 5th February 2023
Opening hours : Thu – Sun 12:00-18:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email : info@wish-less.com