
ハトリー・パブロ × カメリアン 二人展
木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
月曜~水曜 休み
会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10)
▶︎ OPENING RECEPTION:10月1日(土) 18:00~20:00
WISH LESS galleryは、ポルトガル出身のアーティスト・ハトリー・パブロと、日本人アーティスト・カメリアンの二人展「TOKYO DREAMERS」を開催いたします。絵画、スクリーンプリント、タトゥー、グラフィティ、彫刻、写真などを通して「ポップ」という美学を追求する二人の初となる展覧会です。
主な個展:RABBIT HOLE/mograg gallery、LINGA/NADiff Gallery(2022)、33./Meets by NaDiff(2021)、FLASH/VINYL TOKYO(2020)
グループ展:POP LAND 2.0/KochxBos gallery(2022)、“Emerging To Established” annual summer group show/krausegallery、ORGY vol1.5/Gallery rempahrempah(2021)

※ 新型コロナウィルス感染防止対策として、マスクを着用してご来店ください。
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※ ギャラリー内の混雑状況によっては、人数制限する場合もございます。
※ 会場の都合により祝花・酒類・菓子などはご遠慮いただいております。差し入れに代えて、作品のご購入をお勧めしています。ご購入を通じてアーティストへの励ましやご支援くださいますようご理解お願いいたします。
※ 12歳以下のお子さまをお連れの方は展示物への配慮をお願いします。
WISH LESS gallery is thrilled to announce the two-person exhibition ‘Tokyo Dreamers’ presenting the work of Portuguese artist Hatory Pabllo and Japanese artist Kamerian.
Two artists who fully embrace and explore the ‘pop’ aesthetic through painting, screen printing, tattoo, graffiti, sculpture, photography, etc.
Self-taught artist Hatory Pabllo was born in 1987 and raised on the tough streets of Setúbal, Portugal.
He felt somewhat disconnected from his hometown and was always searching for people who shared the same taste and aesthetics as him. His approach to life and creativity was dramatically changed by time spent in the Brazilian city of São Paulo.
His iconic graffiti is instantly recognisable with its cartoon characters, cute motifs and clear sense of humour. His incredible drawing skills, developed during years of sketchbook work for street pieces, lead him to the tattoo world where his bold lined graphics are in demand around the world.
Pabllo’s canvases are a mind blowing slice of colour and pop culture. They explore a myriad of themes including, music, art history, cultural issues, religion and Japanese ‘Urahara’ fashion from the 90’s which the artist himself collects.
His fearless use of colour and confident black lines lead the viewer on a dizzying journey around his unique vision of the world.
Hatory Pabllo is a larger than life character and has a unique sense of fashion and a lifestyle that is 100% about the passion and joy of living and creation . He is often photographed holding or in front of his paintings giving us the feeling he just leapt out of one of them.
Kamerian is Tokyo based graphic artist inspired by tattoo art, animation and manga.
Using silkscreen printing as his main technique, he creates an often perverse and chaotic worldview with strong outlines and colors reminiscent of Western animation. The narratives in his work are based on a combination of well-known fables and popular culture motifs.
Some of the key characters in his work have also been realized in three dimensional form using complex soft vinyl figures.
He has been exhibited in Japan and abroad in countries such as Switzerland, U.S.A, Netherlands, Hong Kong, etc.

ハトリー・パブロ × カメリアン 二人展「トウキョウドリーマーズ」
会 期:2022年10月1日(土)~23日(日)
時 間:木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
休 廊:月曜~水曜
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696
Hatory Pabllo × Kamerian exhibition ‘TOKYO DREAMERS’
Period : Saturday 1st – Sunday 23rd October 2022
Opening hours : Thursday – Sunday 12:00-18:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email : info@wish-less.com