ジェレミー・グリフォ+古市牧子 二人展
木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
月曜~水曜 休み
会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10)
WISH LESS galleryでは、フランスを拠点に活動するアーティスト、ジェレミー・グリフォと古市牧子による二人展「モンキービーチの冷めたコーヒー」を開催いたします。
[ 作家より展示へ向けて ]
[ プロフィール ]
Jérémy Griffaud/ジェレミー・グリフォ

Makiko Furuichi/古市牧子

as a duo/デュオとして
両者共に植物や自然、日本の妖怪や人類学、現代社会への問題提起などをテーマに制作しており、共にナントやニースでグループ展を開催。2022年BEPPU PROJECT主催のKASHIMAアーティスト・イン・レジデンス(コロナ禍のため遠隔で実行)に選考され、地元住民の皆さんと共同で3Dアニメーションを制作。
Beppunication ベプニケーション
WISH LESS gallery is pleased to present ‘Cold Coffee at Monkey Beach’, a two-person exhibition by France-based artists Jérémy Griffaud and Makiko Furuichi.
Jérémy Griffaud hails from Nice, France, and paints bizarre plants and creatures that infest an imaginary world with an original and delicate touch. Makiko Furuichi, from Kanazawa, Japan, currently lives and works in Nantes, France. Her works are impressive for the way she skillfully manipulates the blotting and blurring characteristic of watercolour to give life to the dark side of the creatures she creates.
In this exhibition, the two artists bring a new perspective to the relationship between people and nature through the ‘unidentifiable objects’ they have created based on their experiences on their travels. Trees look like aliens, forest animals look like incarnations of gods and so on, stimulating the subtle sensibilities we tend to forget in modern society and conveying an aspect of the natural world that is full of mystery and wonder.
Jérémy stayed and worked in Penang Malaysia for several months from the end of last year.
Makiko joined him there for only two weeks. One day we headed to Monkey Beach to see nature and wild monkeys. Monkey Beach is a tourist attraction in the northern part of Penang Island, Malaysia, where wild monkeys live.
There we met a Malay man called Lee (pseudonym). He had an impressive smile, was slender, about 50 years old and wore a T-shirt of some football team. When he realised Makiko was Japanese, he smiled broadly and began to speak his best Japanese.
‘I went to Japan with just a Walkman and a rucksack! I was really young.’
He loved Japan, and his time in Japan was a treasured memory for him. Thirty years ago, Monkey Beach was full of Japanese people. Now there are no Japanese there at all.
We had been feeling more or less alienated in a foreign land, but his conversation gave us a sense of relief. Incidentally, the monkeys were so full from the many meals they had received from the tourists that they were napping in the back and we didn’t see a single one.
Jérémy Griffaud
Born 1991, Nice. Graduated from the Higher School of Fine Arts of the Pavillon Bosio of Monaco, and works as a media artist. He paints imaginary, original worlds in watercolour, which he digitises and animates. Alongside his paintings and video works, he also works in virtual reality and immersive video installations. The bewitching, hypnotic, psychedelic and idiosyncratic worlds he creates question the relationship between man and nature. An ambitious young artist, he has presented his work at numerous international animation festivals and has participated in residency projects in France and internationally, including Villa Medicis in Rome, Italy, as well as in Scandinavia and South-East Asia.
Artist website:https://jeremy-griffaud.fr
Makiko Furuichi
Born 1987 in Kanazawa. Continues to create ‘grinning’ things that bring a continuous, ambiguous smile. She works mainly with watercolours. In recent years, she has also worked on spatial installations and sculptures. She is active in various areas and fields, including participating in the 50th anniversary exhibition of the Marc Chagall National Museum this year, creating a huge mural in the historic cave of Saumur, and decorating a one-ton bell for the The Royal Abbey of Fontevraud.
Artist website:http://makikofuruichi.com/
As a duo
Both artists work on themes such as plants, nature, Japanese ghosts, anthropology and issues raised by contemporary society, they have held group exhibitions in Nantes and Nice together; selected for the KASHIMA artist-in-residence programme organised by BEPPU PROJECT in 2022 (run remotely due to the global pandemic), where they worked with local residents to create a 3D animation.
Beppunication ベプニケーション(YouTube)
ジェレミー・グリフォ+古市牧子 二人展「モンキービーチの冷めたコーヒー」
会 期:2023年7月8日(土)~23日(日)
時 間:木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
休 廊:月曜~水曜
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696
Jérémy Griffaud + Makiko Furuichi exhibition ‘Cold coffee at Monkey Beach’
Period : Saturday 8th – Sunday 23rd July 2023
Opening hours : Thu – Sun 12:00-18:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email : info@wish-less.com