Mumbleboy solo exhibition ‘DANCE by CHANCE’


マンブルボーイ 個展


木金 16:00~21:00/土日 12:00~19:00
月~水 休み (最終日18時終了)
▶︎ オープニングレセプション: 2017年6月24日(土) 18:00~20:00


WISH LESS galleryでは、主にNYや国内でFlashアニメーションによるPV作品を多数制作してきた Mumbleboy の個展を開催いたします。
Mumbleboy は、1998~2002年頃にインターネット上で流行したソフト「Flash」を駆使したコミカルなアニメ作品が高く評価され、これまでに Beck をはじめ様々なアーティストのミュージックビデオを手掛けてきました。



神奈川県横浜市生まれ13才の時、親の仕事の都合で渡米。Rhode Island School of Design修士課程後、New Yorkに拠点を移し、Mumbleboyという名で活動を開始。
当時インターネット初期におけるサイトでフラッシュアニメーションを発表。同時にオリジナルキャラクターグッズ(プラッシュドールやTシャツ等)の販売も行う。フラッシュアニメーションを通じて映画祭(ロッテルダム国際映画祭やサンダンス映画祭)への招待やNYグランドセントラル駅での作品投映やミュージアム・オブ・ムービング・イメージでのインタラクティブ作品発表など様々な活動をする。音楽のライブやイベント(Transmediale FestivalやPictoplasma Festivalなど)でのVJ活動やミュージシャンのPV(Beck、Solex、O.Lamm、トクマルシューゴ、Momusなど)制作も行う。


※ WISH LESSでは会場の都合により祝花・菓子などはご遠慮いただいております。祝花や差し入れに代えて、作品のご購入をお勧めしています。ご購入を通じてアーティストへの励ましやご支援くださいますようご理解お願いいたします。

※ 12歳以下のお子さまをお連れの方は展示物への配慮をお願いします。




WISH LESS gallery is honored to announce Mumbleboy’s solo exhibition ‘DANCE by CHANCE’.
Mumbleboy’s work became known through his comical Flash animation that was a sensation of the early internet from 1998~2002, his animation has appeared at countless film festivals and he has collaborated with popular musicians such as BECK.
In this exhibition, he will be showing 3 dimensional danceable objects that look like they have just jumped out from the screen alongside the brand-new evolution of his animation. Don’t miss it!


I don’t know what it is about dance, it is only humans moving their bodies in strange manner. Why that could evoke feelings in us, I do not know.
Visual art also make use of color & shapes coming together by chance. I have combined these seemingly unrelated things into one in an attempt to create beings that never existed before.


Mumbleboy a.k.a Kinya Hanada was born and raised in Yokohama until 13 years old at which time his family relocated to the USA for work. After receiving a MFA from Rhode Island School of Design he moved to New York City and started various projects under the monicker ‘Mumbleboy’
During the early days of the internet he created a website to showcase his original Flash animations ,alongside this he made original character goods such as handmade plush dolls and silk screened T-shirts. Through the popularity  of the Flash animation,he received invitations to the Rotterdam International Film Festival & Sundance Film Festival  and was asked  to project his  animation on the celing of the NY Grand Central station, he also showed an interactive piece at the American Museum of the Moving Image.
VJ gigs followed at concerts and events such as the Transmediale Festival and Pictoplasma Festival which lead to a move into making music videos for artists such as Beck, Solex, O.Lamm, Shugo Tokumaru, Momus, etc.
After almost 30 years in the US, he is now back in Japan and is  creating art in his studio in the city of Fujisawa where he now resides.
Artist website:

Beck/Ghettochip Malfunction.  Ⓒ 2004 Interscope Records
Animation by Mumbleboy



マンブルボーイ 個展「ダンス・バイ・チャンス」
会 期:2017年6月24日(土)~7月16日(日)  最終日18時終了
時 間:木金 16:00-21:00/土日 12:00-19:00/月〜水 休廊
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696


Mumbleboy solo exhibition ‘DANCE by CHANCE’
Period : Saturday June 24th – Sunday July 16th 2017
※ We will close at 6pm on the last day.
Opening hours : Thu+Fri 16:00-21:00/Sat+Sun 12:00-19:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email :