ソニー・スズキ 個展
『みっどないとCAR★ボーイ Part 2』
2025年2月22日(土)~ 3月9日(日)
木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
月曜~水曜 休み
会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10)
★OPENING RECEPTION:2025年2月22日 (土) 18:00~20:00
WISH LESS galleryでは、画家ソニー・スズキの個展「みっどないとCAR★ボーイPart 2」を開催いたします。
[ 作家の言葉 ]
[ プロフィール ]
1969 東京都生まれ
1996 渡米。NY在住
2001 帰国〜現在まで東京都にて製作活動を行う
アーティストウェブサイト https://www.sonysuzuki.com
2011 個展「ハンサム」@Art Center Ongoing(東京)
2016 個展「No balance」@Tamboulin Gallery(東京)
2017 個展「Like a delightful hell on earth」@Diginner Gallery(東京)
グループショー「ギャラリー・バードハウス」@茅野市美術館 (長野)
2018 個展「コマンキーパークの休日」@Art Center Ongoing(東京)
個展「A retrospective (1998-2000)」@ Diginner Gallery(東京)
2019 グループショー「Another side of Tezuka」@Tokyo Cultuart by BEAMS(東京),
グループショー「Another side of Tezuka」@Littlehut Gallery(台北)
2020 個展「インスゥトルメンタル・ユース」@ Diginner Gallery(東京)
グループショー「Another side of Tezuka」@Dot Dot Dot(香港)
2021 個展「NU PHOLKS」@Bookmard(東京)
個展「No look pass」@ Diginner Gallery(東京)
2022 個展「ミッドナイトCAR★ボーイ」@ Diginner Gallery(東京)
2023 個展「ハウ・マイ・ハ〜ト・シングス」@Wish Less Gallery(東京)
2024 個展「YOUNG BOYS」@ Diginner Gallery(東京)
個展「Free Your Mind」 @ Art Gallery東急プラザ銀座(東京)
個展「Roll」@ Tiny Lounge Gallery(静岡)
個展「Ambient Punk」@ Oomachi Gallery(福島)
グループショー「Diginner Mobile Exhibition」@Gasbon Metabolism(山梨)
2025 個展「みっどないとCAR★ボーイ」@Wish Less Gallery(東京)
2020 「インストルゥメンタル・ユース(論創社)」出版

Photo by Tsukasa Ishida
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WISH LESS gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition by painter Sony Suzuki, entitled “Midnight CAR★ Boy Part 2”.
Sony Suzuki is an artist who moved to the USA in 1996, lived in Brooklyn and has been based in Tokyo since 2001. He has defined the theme of his work as ‘coming-of-age painting’, and paints many diverse and witty figures, characters and vehicles from his unique point of view.
In this exhibition, he projects in his works the memories that reflexively came back to him from his late-night encounters with motorcycle gangs and Yankee groups – the first intention, sharpness and sense of invincibility that once existed inside him. We invite you to experience the creativity of Sony Suzuki, who puts his soul into his motifs by replacing that feeling of being seriously reckless in one’s youth with ‘deformed beauty’.
Driving down the motorway late at night last year, three beautifully crafted and beautifully finished modified cars, each with a fat, good sound, passed us in a row, which is rare these days.
The visuals of their glittering bodies in shocking pink, metallic purple and lime green against the dark highway, their long bamboo spear mufflers and shimmering bodies heaped to the max with special parts, were so deformed that they looked like grotesque, shiny, glowing deep-sea fish living in the depths of the ocean. I was in awe of their beauty.
It was a long time ago, but I once had my car surrounded by a group of ladies’ modified motorbikes on the Ome Highway late at night. It was quite a sight to behold: the ladies in Tokkoufuku jackets riding in pairs on sparkling modified scooters, meandering along, making a high-pitched roar, while the ladies in the pillion seat sat precariously as if they were about to be swept away , doing a para-para dance to the engine noise. A unique seriousness on their faces added to their otherness. It was also dazzling.
If I were to call them a nuisance, that would be the end of the story, but I didn’t think they were a nuisance at all, and I just admired ‘their own original attitude’ that suddenly appeared before my eyes, a form of beauty that was different from the rest. I was just in awe of the beauty of the odd shape.
In my personal contemporary mythology, in which I call my paintings ‘youth paintings’, these deformed figures mainly appear as models. That said, I am not particularly fond of biker gangs or Yankee culture, nor am I interested in such fashion/visual formats. I draw on the theme of the aura of the atypical youth, which I probably had myself in the past.
Sony Suzuki, painter.
1969 Born in Tokyo
1996 Lived in Brooklyn NY
2001 Living in Tokyo
Artist website https://www.sonysuzuki.com
Exhibition (recent):
2011 “Handsome” @Art Center Ongoing (Tokyo)
2016 “No balance” @Tamboulin Gallery (Tokyo)
2017 “Like a delightful hell on earth” @Diginner Gallery (Tokyo)
Group exhibition “Gallery bird house” @Chino Museum (Nagano)
2018 “Holidays in Comwanky park” @Art Center Ongoing (Tokyo)
“A retrospective (1998-2000)” @ Diginner Gallery (Tokyo)
2019 Group exhibition “Another side of Tezuka」@Tokyo Cultuart by BEAMS (Tokyo),
Group exhibition “Another side of Tezuka」@Littlehut Gallery(Taipei)
2020 “Instrumental Youth” @ Diginner Gallery (Tokyo)
Group exhibition “Another side of Tezuka」@Littlehut Gallery(Hong Kong)
2021 “Nu pholks Part 1” @ Bookmarc(Tokyo)
“Nu pholks Part 2” @ Diginner Gallery (Tokyo)
“No look pass” @Diginner Gallery (Tokyo)
2022 “Midnight car★boy” @Diginner Gallery (Tokyo)
2023 “How my heart sings” @WISH LESS Gallery (Tokyo)
2024 “YOUNG BOYS” @Diginner Gallery (Tokyo)
“Free your mind” @Art Gallery Tokyu Plaza Ginza (Tokyo)
“Roll” @ iny Lounge Gallery (Shizuoka)
“Ambient Punk” @Oomachi Gallery (Fukushima)
Group exhibition “Diginner Mobile Exhibition” @Gasbon Metabolism (Yamanashi)
2025 “Midnight Car Boy Part 2”@WISH LESS Gallery
2020 “Instrumental Youth” (Ronsosha)
ソニー・スズキ 個展『みっどないとCAR★ボーイ Part 2』
会 期:2025年2月22日(土)~3月9日(日)
時 間:木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00
休 廊:月曜~水曜
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696
SONY SUZUKI solo exhibition “Midnight Car★Boy Part 2”
Period : Saturday 22nd February – Sunday 9th March 2025
Opening hours : Thursday – Sunday 12:00-18:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email : info@wish-less.com