Rob Kidney Solo Exhibition
「NRG ZOO(エナジー・ズー)」
2023年11月27日(月) 〜 12月10日(日)
月〜金 10:00〜22:00 土・日・祝日 9:00〜21:00
東京都台東区上野7-1-1 JR東日本上野駅構内3階 エキュート上野(MAP)
ロブ・キドニーの個展「NRG ZOO」を、JR東日本上野駅エキュート構内3階「VINYL UENO」にて開催いたします。
NRG ZOO(エナジー・ズー)は、ロブ・キドニーの多彩でポップなキャラクターから成る夢の動物園です。
今回は動物園で知られる上野での個展ということで、ロブらしさ満載の愛らしいキャラクターを会場に集め、「NRG ZOO」を開園させます。想像を超えた未知の動物達と向き合い、自由なイマジネーションをぜひ広げてみてください。
NRG ZOO is a fantasy zoo consisting of Rob Kidney’s diverse and pop characters.
Rob’s characters, some with vacant expressions and others with glistening eyes, are seen to represent people’s natural feelings of joy, sadness, surprise and bewilderment, and truly portray the world we live in and its infinite variety.
Rob’s work has been characterised by clear, bold lines and colours, but recently he has been actively introducing a more natural colouring style that deviates from human control, making use of the unique blotches and separations that occur when mixing oil and watercolour. This is inspired by the lush countryside and beautiful animals and plants that can be seen from his studio.
Rob’s constant stream of unique characters is based on his childhood love of action hero figures, the record cover art of his favourite musicians, and the unconventional logo designs and sub-characters he sees in Japan. Music also plays a big part in the creative process, inputting the vast amount of images he consumes and remixing them as new creatures in his brain to the rhythm of his favourite music.
As this exhibition is being held in Ueno, a place known for its zoo, the venue will be filled with lovable characters full of ‘Rob-ness’.
Please come face to face with unknown animals beyond your imagination.