
エイス 個展「ドリーム・シークエンス」
2020年9月5日(土) ~ 27日(日)
木金 16:00~21:00/土日 12:00~19:00
月~水 休み (最終日18時終了)
会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10)
WISH LESS galleryでは、ロンドンを拠点に活動するストリートアーティスト、エイスの3度目の個展を開催いたします。
特別企画として、WISH LESSと共同製作した100部限定のzineを発表いたします。
※ WISH LESSでは会場の都合により祝花・酒類・菓子などはご遠慮いただいております。差し入れに代えて、作品のご購入をお勧めしています。ご購入を通じてアーティストへの励ましやご支援くださいますようご理解お願いいたします。
※ 12歳以下のお子さまをお連れの方は展示物への配慮をお願いします。
WISH LESS gallery is thrilled to announce the 3rd solo exhibition by British artist A.CE titled ‘DREAM SEQUENCES’.
London based A.CE has been at the front line of the UK street art scene spanning the last 3 decades.
Influenced by the sensibilities of graffiti, his innovative, bold graphical style of working involves painting, printing and collage techniques inspired by Dadaism, Pop Art and 80’s skateboard graphics.
With his signature nostalgic overtones, the viewer is offered a moment of escapism at a time when that has perhaps never been more appealing.
His elegant and instantly recognisable style has many admirers and a devoted following in the fashion industry.
Having exhibited internationally, and worked with big names such as Burberry, Stussy, Reebok and The Big Issue, A.CE continues to maintain his reputation as one of the most well-established street artists working today.
For this exhibition A,CE has included a series of new works on paper and canvas reflecting his observations of life both in London and globally over the duration of pandemic so far.
Though these works may be noted for their darker and more earnest nature, there remains a light hearted and humorous sentiment, reminding us that optimism must be sought at every opportunity.
We have also collaborated with A.CE to produce a special edition zine, a limited number of which will have a wrap-cover hand printed and signed by the artist in his London studio.
Artist website:www.acelondon.net
Edition of 100 / Printed in Japan / WISH LESS publishing 2020
エイス 個展「ドリーム・シークエンス」
会 期:2020年9月5日(土) ~ 27日(日) 最終日18時終了
時 間:木金 16:00-21:00/土日 12:00-19:00/月~水 休廊
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696
A.CE solo exhibition “DREAM SEQUENCES”
Period : Saturday 5th – Sunday 27th September 2020
Opening hours : Thu+Fri 16:00-21:00/Sat+Sun 12:00-19:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
※ We will close at 6pm on the last day.
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email : info@wish-less.com