Steff Plaetz solo exhibition

イギリスのストリートアート集団 ‘Scrawl Collective’の重要人物、ステフ・プレーツの個展を開催!

Steff Plaetz solo exhibition


木金 16:00〜21:00/土日 12:00〜19:00/月〜水 休み(最終23日は12:00〜18:00)
会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10)
▶︎オープニングレセプション:12月3日(土)  18:00〜20:00
Guest DJ: Joe 2 Grand (RPM/Runaways UK)  ※DJが来日します!


WISH LESS galleryでは、イギリス人ペインター、ステフ・プレーツの個展を開催いたします。
オープニングレセプションでは、Mo’ Wax所属のUKヒップホップ・ユニットRUNAWAYS(旧RMP)として活躍した Joe 2 Grand がゲストDJとしてこの日のために来日いたします。


ステフ・プレーツは90年代半ばより英国ブリストルを拠点にペインティング活動を始める。自発的に描かれるドローイングを基礎とした独創的なフリーハンドのステンシルワークと、スケッチとの融合によるのびやかで柔らかいスタイルを発展させ、完成形に至るまでその新鮮さを維持する。ステフは仲間のウィル・バラス、ミスター・ジェイゴらと共に、ストリートアート集団 ’Scrawl Collective’ の初期メンバーの1人としても有名。





WISH LESS gallery is pleased to announce Steff Plaetz’s solo exhibition.
Steff is a British artist whose work is highly regarded across the world. He has work in the collections of Ian Brown and Michael Stipe(R.E.M) and other noted musicians.
In this exhibition, we will exhibit Steff Plaetz’s new work and some pieces from his recent collaboration with Will Barras.
For the opening reception, special guest DJ will be Joe 2 Grand (RPM/Runaways UK).
Don’t miss it!


Steff Plaetz began painting in Bristol in the mid ‘90s, developing a loose and spontaneous style incorporating a uniquely ‘freehand’ stencilling approach based on ‘automatic’ drawings and sketches which retain their rawness through to the final artwork. He was along with his friends Will Barras and Mr Jago one of the original 3 core members of the hugely influential ‘Scrawl Collective’.

Inspired as much by his globally nomadic lifestyle as his soft spot for quality sci-fi, that was inevitably nurtured by being a kid growing up through the ’80s, Steff collides ideas of bleak futro-industrial landscapes with dream-like snapshots of urban activity. His infinitely sustainable resource of imagination runs as wild as the acrylics and spray paints that colour his works.

Alongside working as an illustrator, Steff has exhibited his works internationally in Tokyo, New York, Osaka, Paris, Hong Kong, Brussels, Barcelona, Cologne and of course his home London, and has been commissioned and collected by Ian Brown, Michael Stipe and David Holmes amongst others.





ステフ・プレーツ 個展
会 期:2016年12月3日(土)~23日(金)
時 間:木金 16:00-21:00/土日 12:00-19:00/月〜水 休廊 (最終23日は12:00〜18:00)
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696

Steff Plaetz solo exhibition
Period : Saturday December 3rd – Friday December 23rd 2016
Opening hours : Thu+Fri 16:00-21:00/Sat+Sun 12:00-19:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
※ Last day December 23rd  12:00〜18:00
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email :

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