A.CE solo exhibition ‘Attention Span’


A.CE solo exhibition ‘Attention Span’

[期間延長しました] 2017年9月2日(土)~10月8日(日)

木金 16:00~21:00/土日 12:00~19:00
月~水 休み (最終日18時終了)
▶︎ オープニングレセプション: 2017年9月2日(土) 18:00~20:00 ※作家は来日しません



WISH LESS gallery では、イギリスのストリートアート界隈で今最も注目を集めるアーティスト、A.CE(エイス)の日本初となる個展を開催いたします。
近年、自身がシルクスクリーンでプリントしたペイストアップ(ポスター)を、夜な夜なロンドンの街に貼りまくり、それが多くの人々の目に留まったことで話題を呼びます。これまでにStussyやリーボックなどファッションブランドに作品を提供し、またAce Hotelと組み、客室をA.CEのアートで飾るなど、ストリートからラグジュアリーまで幅広いグラウンドで活躍しています。


本展では、ロンドン発ストリートスピリットを感じさせるペイストアップ作品を中心に展示・販売いたします。さらにA.CE×WISH LESSオリジナルTシャツも特別販売いたしますので、原画作品とともにお楽しみください。










これまでにStussy、The Big Issue、Reebok、Ace Hotelなどとコラボレーションしており、絵の価値も上昇中。最近では、オークションや展示での価格が記録的に高騰している。



※ WISH LESSでは会場の都合により祝花・菓子などはご遠慮いただいております。祝花や差し入れに代えて、作品のご購入をお勧めしています。ご購入を通じてアーティストへの励ましやご支援くださいますようご理解お願いいたします。

※ 12歳以下のお子さまをお連れの方は展示物への配慮をお願いします。





WISH LESS gallery is excited to announce A.CE’s solo exhibition ‘Attention Span’ his first time showing in Japan.
We adore A.CE’s work and are looking forward to filling the gallery with the energy, vibrancy and beauty that he brings to the streets of London.
Alongside a selection of his most famous street pieces and prints, we will have a limited edition of A.CE×WISH LESS T-shirts.
Don’t miss it!



‘Attention Span’ marks the first time the artist has shown in Asia.
This will be the first time I have been to Japan, albeit in spirit! Any show is an honour for me, particularly a solo show, and I don’t think there is anywhere I’d rather show than Tokyo.
Culturally Tokyo has had a big impact on me. Growing up through the 90’s and early 2000’s there was always a fascination with what was coming out of Japan in general, from a streetwear, art and cultural point of view. It influenced a lot of the clothing, trainer and toy purchases myself and my friends made at the time.
Japan is very much a mark of quality in my view, as it is in many westerners eyes, so it’s a proud moment for me to be welcomed here and hopefully my work will be appreciated and enjoyed.

‘Attention Span’ is a loose acknowledgement of my own personality type, as well as being a nod to society in general.
We are bombarded with so much. Standing out and making an impact is probably harder than it’s ever been, for brands and individuals.
You only have to jump on any social media platform to see how hungry we are for attention and how fierce the competition is. Visually it’s very noisy out there. Making an impression is hard and how long that impression lasts depends on the strength of your message and the patience of the viewer.
In this case my messages are pretty ambiguous. I like to think there is a familiarity and universality in them also and if they resonate with viewers in Tokyo I’ll be very happy.



A.CE is a London based artist. He has been a key figure in the UK street art scene for over 15 years. In that time his instantly recognisable wheat-pasted images have featured prominently across the urban landscape.
Drawing inspiration in part from Dada collage and classic pop art, to his time as a skateboarder and the bold graphics he encountered during this time, his work is a raw presentation of nostalgic imagery intuitively selected, blended and remixed with contemporary fragments, resulting in a new narrative with ambiguities and incongruities, humour and messages that reflect the absurdities of popular culture and a consumer driven society.
His art has been featured in a number of notable street art books and exhibited in galleries across the world, including London, Chicago and New York.
His work has been commissioned by Stussy, The Big Issue, Reebok and Ace Hotel, and with growing popularity the value of his work has continued to increase, with works reaching record prices at recent auctions and shows.

Artist website: www.acelondon.net/ace-london-gallery


Room decoration by A.CE for the Ace Hotel, London



エイス 個展「注意持続時間」
会 期:2017年9月2日(土)~10月8日(日) 最終日18時終了
時 間:木金 16:00-21:00/土日 12:00-19:00/月~水 休廊
会 場:WISH LESS gallery
住 所 : 〒114-0014 東京都北区田端5-12-10
電 話 : 03-5809-0696

A.CE solo exhibition ‘Attention Span’
Period : Saturday September 2nd – Sunday October 8th 2017
※ We will close at 6pm on the last day.
Opening hours : Thu+Fri 16:00-21:00/Sat+Sun 12:00-19:00
Closed : Mon-Wed
Address : WISH LESS gallery 5-12-10 Tabata Kita-ku Tokyo 114-0014
Tel : +81-3-5809-0696
Email : info@wish-less.com